Mon-Thu: 8:30am-4:30pm
Fri: 8:30am-1:00pm
2-Hour Snow Delay Today - Mass at 10:30am
100 Bishop Manogue Drive
Reno, Nevada 89511-4809
Phone: 775-851-1874
Fax: 775-851-1727
We are a developing community with big hearts, strong connections among members, and bold aspirations for growth. St. Rose was founded on September 1, 1996, the first parish developed in the diocese in 32 years. We delight in calling ourselves "companions on the journey", the spiritual journey through our shared joys and sorrows of life.
Father Dariusz Miskowicz
Father Wojciech Prawda
Parochial Vicar
Saint Rose of Lima is a Catholic family of believers guided by the Holy Spirit in the saving work of Jesus Christ. We are a pilgrim people of God, companions on the journey to eternal salvation. Called by God, we are priestly people dedicated to proclaiming the Good News, ministering God's love to each other, and to a spiritually hungry world. As a community of Christian believers, we are committed to bringing about the reign of God. We believe in the importance of a personal relationship with Jesus Christ through the word, the breaking of the bread, prayer, and fellowship. We dedicate our lives to His service.
Your 2024 Giving Statements are now available electronically. Please use the link below to log in and create an account. Once you have created an account, please go to My Offering (Under My Family tab) select Giving History. Under the Years scroll down to 2024 and download your statement. Please note that your account will need to be approved by St. Rose of Lima before you can access your giving history. Please allow 2-3 business days for your access to be approved.
Click HERE for the link.
Thinking of leaving or returning to the Faith? Please click below and someone will be in contact with you soon. Click Here
Click Here for Parish Registration Form
The completed form can be dropped off in the main office, mailed, or e-mailed.
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Please contact for permission to use.
Information on St. Rose of Lima’s web site is provided by many different people. Though we try to keep this site accurate and up-to-date, we cannot guarantee that it will always be so.
If you notice something in a document or web page that should be corrected or updated,
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