Liturgy Coordinator: Karen McBee, email:
ALL ministers must have fingerprints on file with the Diocese and complete “Protecting God’s Children.”
This committee consists of those in charge of all ministries that are involved with the Liturgical services of the Parish.
This committee acts as an advisory board to make suggestions to the Pastor that will serve to enhance and enrich all forms of the Liturgy of the Parish. The expectation is that our parishioners will grow in their individual spirituality and their active participation in this communal aspect of Parish Ministry.
The primary function is to provide pertinent input from each ministry collectively represented that is collaboratively acted upon to ensure a church-approved and spiritually uplifting celebration of the Holy Eucharist. This same action will be taken with any other form of the Liturgy that the Parish institutes. Another function is to provide support and advice to the various ministries involved to enhance their effectiveness. Final approval for all recommendations remains with the Pastor.
Most of the time is involved with each individual ministry. Occasionally time is required to support one of the ministries, e.g., helping to decorate the Church for the various seasons and specific Eucharistic celebrations.
Meetings usually last approximately two hours depending on the agenda and are held as needed.
Members of the Liturgy Committee are:
Pastor: Father Dariusz Miskowicz
Father: Wojciech Prawda
Deacon: Don Korson
Environment: Charlene Greenlund
Sacristan: Charlene Greenlund
Proclaimers: Larry McBee
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion: David Buhlig
Seamstress: Judi Harris
Altar Servers: Adrina Cooper
Choir: Teri Iaconis, Kevin Brett and Margie McAvay
Ushers: Don Eberlein
Altar Servers assist the Priest and/or Deacon during the Mass and other liturgies. To become an Altar Server you must have received First Holy Communion prior to training. Altar Servers are scheduled for one or two Masses each month. An Altar Server who cannot serve at his/her scheduled Mass is expected to arrange a replacement. Schedules are usually posted two weeks in advance. General rules and instructions will be addressed during a training session; the class usually lasts 60-90 minutes. If your son or daughter is interested in joining this rewarding ministry and you are confident they can stay focused during an entire Mass, please fill out an Altar Server Sign Up Sheet and drop it off at the St. Rose of Lima’s office or email it to Adrina Cooper at
Five (5) or more Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion (“EM”) assist the Priest and/or the Deacon with the distribution of Holy Communion during Mass within the guidelines of the COVID protocol to ensure the safety of the parish community. EMs are required to wear masks, sanitize their hands, and are not allowed to touch recipients or be touched during Holy Communion.
The EM’s initial training session (non-COVID) lasts for about 1 hour. Group training sessions are normally scheduled throughout the year (except during the COVID pandemic) or on an individual basis, as needed. In addition to the initial training, EMs may be required to attend refresher sessions annually to be current on protocol procedures.
EM schedules are posted a month in advance and are created by the automated, Ministry Scheduler Pro system (“MSP”) administered by Ken Donajkowski. If you are unable to serve, you can log into the MSP site and indicate your unavailability, and all EMs will be notified of your “sub requested”. Depending on the number of EMs available, you usually may be scheduled to serve once or twice a month.
If you would like to become an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion, please contact David Buhlig (lead co-chair).
Chairperson: Mitch Huberty -
Proclaimers give a human voice to the Word of God. Proclaimers serve as a bridge between the Scriptures and the faithful at the Sacrifice of the Holy Eucharist at mass. Those who participate in this ministry should have strong verbal and communication skills, be comfortable reading in front of a large group of people, and possess the willingness to commit themselves to the time, effort, and study required for intelligent and sensitive proclamation.
In undertaking this sacred ministry, you pledge yourself to the preparation and discipline that enables Scripture to become the living Word of God. Your interpretation upholds the plain sense of the text and the author's clear intent. You assist the assembly’s experience in the way, the truth, and the life of the incarnate and living God.
Following a personal meeting and assessment of required skills, we provide an orientation and training session. Proclaimers are provided annual editions of the “Workbook for Proclaimers of the Word” containing guidance along with each of the Sunday Mass readings. All members of the ministry are required to complete and participate in the Virtus program “Protecting God’s Children.”
Chairperson: Charlene Greenlund -
Chairperson: Don Eberlein -
Ushers greet parishioners and visitors, seat people during heavily attended Masses, take up collections, provide assistance during emergencies, maintain order when necessary, and distribute bulletins after Mass. Ushers need to complete the registration form and forward it to Don. Don will contact you with additional information and to schedule an initial training session. After the initial training, you will be scheduled according to your availability and the needs of the schedule. Ushers are generally scheduled to serve at least two Masses per month. An usher who cannot serve at a scheduled Mass is expected to arrange for a replacement. Schedules are usually posted 1 -2 weeks in advance. Volunteers are always needed! Please contact Don if you would like to volunteer to be an Usher.
Music Director – 5:00 PM Saturday Youth Choir & Band
Margie McAvay – or 775-762-2484
Practice for our youth choir is at 3:00 pm on Saturdays.
Music Director - 8:30 AM Sunday Choir
Kevin Brett - or 775-851-1874
Our premise is that we are here to lead the congregation in song, in hopes that doing so, will enhance their worship of the Lord - and ours too!
We practice from 6:00 to 7:00 PM on Thursday nights, each week and we gather on Sunday at 7:30 AM to warm up.
We are a small group and would love to get bigger. If you play an instrument and/or sing, please consider joining us!
Music Director - 10:30 AM Sunday Choir
Chairperson: Teri Iaconis - 775-691-0621 or
Members of the 10:30 AM Music Ministry worship through singing and playing musical instruments. Our choir provides music for Sunday Mass and other selected services throughout the year. We are always looking for new members who can sing and/or play an instrument. We are especially in need of men who can sing tenor and bass.
The choir practices most Wednesday evenings at the church from 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM and warms up each Sunday at 9:45 AM before the Sunday 10:30 AM Mass.
Would you like to share your talent in the praise of God who blessed you with it? To join our choir, please email or call Teri, at, or stop by after the 10:30 AM Mass.