RCIC is the Rite of Christian Initiation for Children. If your child is seven years or older and
1. has not been baptized at all
2. has been baptized in another Christian religion but has not received any religious instruction in the Catholic faith
3. has been baptized Catholic but has not made Sacraments of Reconciliation or 1st Holy Communion,
then this program is for them. Course of instruction is a two-year Sacramental program for which tuition fees are paid each year. Sacraments are usually received towards the end of the second year, if the child is well-prepared and wants to receive them.
Registration for this special class is the same as regular Sacramental registration. If the child has not been baptized, we need a copy of the birth certificate. If the child has been baptized, we need a copy of the baptism certificate.
For further information, please contact the Director of Religious Education, at 850-2535 or dre@strosereno.com.